Monday, May 17, 2010

Menu Plan Monday — May 17

Hubby is out of town all week again = easy week.

It's baseball season (Buddy) and we have church commitments (on the same night as ball games) and a couple of other things already on our calendar = no so easy.

For the menu plan, I'm at least going to go as simple as possible. It's my best chance at sticking with it.

MondaySalad and fresh fruit. I'll add in a baked potato for the bottomless pits in the family.

TuesdaySloppy Joes. We're having friends come over to play during the afternoon, so I might try to brown the beef ahead of time just to make it go quicker later in the day.

Wednesday — There are always Sloppy Joes left over because I make lots! Simple!

Thursday — I'm going out with the other Awana T&T ladies for a dinner get-together, so I'll make the kids something simple like their favorite mac & cheese from the blue box.

FridayCalzones. I didn't get to this a couple of weeks ago and I really want to try it.

Saturday — Our ladies' group is hosting a baby shower in the afternoon, and then Hubby and I are supposed to go to dinner (a group dinner at someone's house) without children. I'll have to have him fix something for the kids like spaghetti or baked potatoes or hamburgers/hotdogs on the grill.

SundayMarinated chicken for the grill. I'll have been running around all week so maybe we won't go out to eat.

Check out Menu Plan Monday at The Organizing Junkie.


  1. The sloppy joes look great! If there are leftovers, they probably freeze well too.

  2. Cool I've come across your blog a few times lately. for MPM and in a little research for

    Following you! you have great stuff, keep it up.

    now off to check out that recipe for Sloppy Joes, with 5 kids I'm wondering if I need to double the recipe for leftovers.

  3. Yum! We love sloppy joes, too! I made some just last week, but I didn't make but enough to feed us that night. :(

    Have a great Monday!

  4. We just had sloppy joes too -- must be a spring thing :) I'm excited that you're grilling, that's the true sign of summer on the horizon!

  5. I always make a HUGE batch sloppy joes and freeze the extra. Throw the frozen meat in the crockpot and it makes a quick dinner.

  6. I like how you think :) I also try to combine meals so I'm not cooking something new every night. Sloppy joes work quite well, they are surprisingly versatile and as other people mention, freeze very well.


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