Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wandering Eyes

Why are all six of my perfect purses sitting in the top of my closet?

When I was at Marshall's for pillowcases the other day, my eyes actually didn't just wander on the way to the check-out when I found the fancy shirt.

My eyes wandered before I ever got to the pillowcases.

My wandering eyes saw this.

The style is very similar to the ones I have now yet still different. It has snap pockets on each end. I use one for my Altoids and one for my little Kleenex packet.

I actually passed it and went back to it.

It was such a great price I just couldn't resist it. Maybe it was that orange and fuchsia in the plaid. Maybe because it was the same yet different as my perfect purse. Maybe because I could justify it with Mother's Day coming up.

The good news is, I don't have a gap on my shelf anymore for the purse I'm using. When I switch out, this one will take it's place.

The bad news is, if my eyes wander and I see another one someday, there's no more space on that shelf.


  1. Yet another example that we are truly kindred spirits. Girl, you make me smile. I love your new plaid purse.

  2. It's very cute! And I'm so relieved that you don't have an empty spot in your closet - that was really worrying me!

  3. Is it my imagination or is that shelf swaying?
    I used to have lots of purses but now just a few. Two for packing: a red one and a string one. Then a few backpack purses and one straw looking summer purse which I am carrying now.

    I know how those eye stopping items are, though. I once saw this great red wind breaker in the display window of a Mall store. I went in and looked at it. $40. I left and thought about it for a couple of weeks then went back. I couldn't even remember the store and it wasn't in the window anymore. But, I finally found it. I still have it and wear it each year. It packs well, too. Only the hood doesn't have a strawstring. I've thought about adding one. This was in 1995-1997 while we lived in Chattanooga so it was worth the money.
    Mama Bear

  4. No sway in the shelf. Just my attempt at holding the camera up higher than how tall I am.

  5. so funny. i love it! what a cute purse! :)

    you just need a new shelf now...


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