Monday, May 10, 2010

Zircon, Zircon, Sapphire, Garnet

I've wanted a necklace for the longest time with my kids' names, a charm type with one to represent each child.

I've loved so many of the ones from The Vintage Pearl. I never win the giveaways on other blogs.

So for Mother's Day this year, Hubby and I looked them over and picked one out and ordered it.

Yes, I know I don't say my kids' names, and I know you can see them. I figure people who read this regularly aren't stalkers and won't care, and this post will hopefully just bury itself among all the other craziness and go unnoticed otherwise.

I can just hear Buddy now when he reads it. "Mom blew our cover!"


  1. I can't believe it! I have that very necklace bookmarked on my computer and I just showed it to Heather to tell her I would love it.
    So - I love your necklace!

  2. That is so pretty. I bet most won't even notice the names.
    Mama Bear

  3. It's wonderful! Love the's just perfect! :)

  4. What a beautiful keepsake! and I love the names we know them by to not even bother looking at the real names lol.

    Julie in Australia


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