Tuesday, June 15, 2010

$60 CSN Store Gift Certificate Giveaway

It's time for a $60 giveaway from CSN Stores.

A $60 gift certificate to use any way you want (pick something that has free shipping, or you have to pay for the shipping, but other than that, any way you want).

I told you my favorite item in the last post was not a sectional sofa, but did you figure out what my favorite item was from this CSN Store anyway?

It's the coffee table, not the sofa. Until we finish our basement, I have absolutely no place to put it, unless of course I cut the legs off and hang it on the wall. When Hubby reads this he'll probably be getting ideas.

I do love all these coffee tables, and any one of them would be perfect in our rec room where we don't have a coffee table (the sofa in the first one is cute too).

I appear to be drawn to a similar style, and there is also a storage theme going on!

I'd love to have a chair in the corner of my bedroom, and this would be perfect.

But then this would be totally awesome and unreasonable at the same time.

Of course $60 wouldn't be enough for any of these items, but I thought I'd introduce you to just one of their over 200 stores. There are tons of things you can find, individually or grouped together, for $60. Shop away!

Here's how to enter the giveaway (please leave a separate comment for each entry). You have a chance at four entries.
  1. Leave me a nice comment and say, "Hi," or, "Howdy," or however you say it in your parts.
  2. Visit the CSN Sofa store and see if they have your favorite college team featured on a coffee table, and then let me know who it is.
  3. You get an extra entry if you are a follower on my sidebar or on your google reader. Just leave a separate comment saying so.
  4. If you don't facebook or tweet, you get an extra entry. That's because I don't facebook or tweet, and people always get extra entries for those and I never do, so if you don't you get an extra entry, just because.

This giveaway will be open until Sunday night, June 20th (Father's Day), until 11:59 p.m. I'll use the random generator to select a winner. If you don't have a blog, please leave an email so I can contact you.


  1. I already follow your blog in Google Reader but I also just clicked follow on your sidebar.

  2. Hi Kayren! What a great giveaway!

  3. Of course I'm a follower!
    PS - I did check out the site, but I don't have any favorite college teams, and I didn't see any that were for no one!

  4. Hi ya! Thanks for the giveaway

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  5. Hola.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  6. CSN has an NC State sofa:


  7. I don't have a favorite tam, but my brother and dad would LOVE the razorback table.

  8. Nice giveaway!
    wrotek5 at gmail dot com

  9. I don't facebook or tweet. Is this a good place to rant about how much I dislike facebook and how stupid I think tweeting is?

    wrotek5 at gmail dot com

  10. Hi Kayren! This is a nice comment from me to you! :)

  11. This is me saying I'm a follower on your sidebar! :)

  12. This is me saying is do NOT do facebook or twitter. :)

  13. I didn't see a UCLA coffee table, but they did have lots of other paraphernalia.

  14. I've never tweeted. About anything. :-)

  15. Follow your blog via GFC.

    I tweet and do Facebook, so I guess I am out of luck on that extra entry! :)

  16. I'm a follower AND have you in my google reader. How 'bout them apples?

  17. Drat. I tweet AND facebook. I am a real loser. :(

  18. Hahaha...the contrast between the chairs is a riot! Thanks for making me laugh!

  19. Hello, eh! (yup, Canadian...we don't say eh, by the way...but that's being technical) Come to think of it, it would be closer to "Hey, can I get you a beer?"

  20. They do have a University of Texas coffee table!


  21. Hey there! I do love CSN. Thanks for the giveaway.

  22. I'm a follower.

  23. Hi there! How's it going? Thanks for the contest!
    digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

  24. I follow you publicly on Google Friends Connect (Carolsue)
    digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

  25. I didn't see any coffee tables for Gonzaga, so I guess they don't have one.
    digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net
