Thursday, June 3, 2010

F U N !

I think by Memorial Day on May 31st this year we had already had more days in the 80's than we did last year by the beginning of August. It's been that warm here.

Not that that has anything to do with fun, although I suppose indirectly it does because the kids can play outside in the water without freezing to death, or at least without thinking they are.

We also have to remember to wear sunscreen here because it's sunny but not as hot and we forget to wear it because it's not scorching where you absolutely can't forget. We're still acclimating.

Before it rained in the middle of the afternoon on Memorial Day (stormed to be exact), it was hot and sunny/cloudy and the kids got to play in the water and play ball and eat outside.

Four 10-year old boys:

When they weren't in the water, Sparky and Buddy alternated throwing the softball and baseball. They would throw their own ball hard and the other one's ball they would sort of lob most of the time.

Notice that opposed to all of the men in the first picture, all of the women are here with their backs to you working. :)

The littlest guy there, who was just the right age to enjoy feeding his pudding cup to himself.


  1. What a fun day! The last picture is a hoot!

  2. You had such a fun day! We're the same way here with the can burn even though it's still cool outside!


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