Monday, June 14, 2010

Menu Plan Monday — June 14

I had blogger issues last Monday and couldn't get my menu plan posted. It's probably just as well. I don't think I would have stuck to it.

We have ball games every single night this week until Sunday, and Hubby is out of town again. Again as in not last week but two weeks ago. This is really the only time of the year it gets like this because baseball and softball are the only sports we do. Planning will take a priority for me though, especially considering we have small group at our house tomorrow night and Sparky has a double header that I have to manage to take her to. Actually getting her back home is going to be the problem, and I'd like her back.

The highlights from last week were two chicken marinades from Life as Mom. I tried the Asian and the Dijon, and they were both huge hits with every person in the family. They were simple to do by the freezer method, and I actually thawed the bag out in a large bowl of cold water an hour or so before I needed them grilled.

Monday — Buddy and I will eat cereal or something lazy for me at home, because the other three are having pizza at church for the final night of a CEF class/party. I'm playing muscial children all night between that and Buddy's ball game.

TuesdayCalzones. We had these last week and everyone enjoyed them. I made double filling and put the extra in the refrigerator for this week. I'm making this Angelic Fruit Dessert and No-Bake Cookies as a snack for small group.

WednesdayBaked Potato Bar. I don't want to operate the oven if I don't have to.

ThursdaySpaghetti with fun noodles instead of spaghetti noodles. Last time I used bow-tie pasta.

Friday — TBD, depends on tournament game times.

Saturday — Hubby's home, so I'm going to ask him to grill up a bunch of burgers and hot dogs. He usually makes extra so we have leftovers for a day or so.

Sunday — Father's Day, Hubby's choice where to eat! But somewhere in the middle of all this we have to get Chatty to horse camp about three hours away and Sparky is finishing up her softball tournament, locally at least.

I have my anniversary to look forward to next week!

For more menu plans, visit The Organizing Junkie.


  1. Sounds like a very busy week, but all fun stuff! I'm hungry and tired just reading about it. ha.

  2. Sometimes you can't stick to a plan - sounds like that was last week. Have a great Father's Day!

  3. Summertime, and the livin' is....well busy! I would love to see you at What's On the Menu Wednesday this week. Come check it out:)

  4. Summer and baseball - ah, I love this time of year!

    Happy Father's Day to your hubby!

    I really enjoyed my visit to your blog. Have a great week!

  5. Just popped over from Org.junkie. I like the baked potato bar idea! On the side I noticed you are reading Do Hard Things. Would you say it's a good read for teenage girls or adults? I was thinking of sending my niece a copy. Enjoy the weekend!


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