Saturday, July 24, 2010

Company and Chaos

In the middle of this last week we had company for one full day and two nights. We don't get much company up here in Michigan from our families in Arkansas, so we were excited.

My cousin Jeff and his wife Jennifer take a trip each summer to several ballparks. They are on a quest to visit every baseball venue in the U.S. and the one in Canada, which they will see on this particular trip. Their daughter Meredith goes with them part of the time, depending on what the rest of the trip includes (you might remember her from last year when I asked you to keep her in your prayers).

When their family flew into town on Tuesday, they went straight downtown to have dinner and watch a Tigers' game before coming to our house. On Wednesday we took them to Frankenmuth.

We started out at Zehnder's for a famous chicken dinner. They had a decorative flower chicken out front this year (Chatty is missing since she was back for her second week of horse camp).

Then we went to Bronner's Christmas Wonderland. We also drove them around (they were shocked by the number of dirt roads around us) and showed them our favorite local cider mill.

Although Buddy has never really been around Jeff enough to pick up any of his mannerisms, there are times when Hubby and I will notice his facial expressions and voice inflections and he reminds us of Jeff growing up (he's 10 years younger than us). We've always noticed a resemblance in the two as well.

We had a great, even if it was short, visit. We tried to remember the last time we'd seen them, and we think it was 2004.

As far as the chaos I mentioned, this coming week is VBS. I am the crafts' director. I've directed VBS before, but never crafts. I'm trying to get in my element. This is what my living room floor looked like earlier tonight.

My sewing machine has been seeing some different action the last week or so.

132 to be exact, and not all pictured. You also probably have no clue what I'm doing with these.

I'll show you all the crafts as we progress through the week. I might group them together into a couple of posts rather than spread it out over the whole week.


  1. What a fun visit! Going to Frankenmuth was a good idea. Zender's does have the best chicken.
    You're going to be the perfect person for crafts - can't wait to see what you are doing.

  2. I've missed you on here, but it sounds like you've been having a lot of fun!:) When I come to MI will you take me to the Christmas Wonderland?!? That sounds like a blast since I'm a total holiday nut:)

  3. Cute about Jeff and Buddy. :) So glad you had a nice visit!

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