Tuesday, August 10, 2010

WFMW — Stocking Stuffers For Your Baseball Fan

Currently Rite-Aid has their individual packages of baseball cards on clearance for 75 percent off. Of course there is one in our area where they are only 50 percent off for some reason. I also live in an area where there is a store about every two to three miles down the road in any direction.

We've been to about six.

Do you have a baseball fan in your family? A baseball card fanatic? Double checks for me a few times over!

These are great for stocking stuffers. We were able to purchase packages for 37 cents and 74 cents. You totally can't beat that.

Of course you'll want to check your local Rite-Aid to make sure they have theirs on clearance. The majority of ours don't have the shelves or the packages marked, so check at the counter.
You also will not want to go to any of the stores close to me...

Early frugal Christmas shopping works for me!

Check out other more
Works-For-Me-Wednesday at We Are THAT Family!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! Too bad there are no baseball fans here. :(


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