Thursday, October 28, 2010

Cooler Weather

It's finally here! You can tell around our house because the cat can be found on top of the vent.

He can also locate any little sliver of warm sun.


  1. Our cat is the same way. He also likes to sit on our laps again now that it's cooler.

  2. Mine is the same, too, always wanting to get under any cover he can find and irritated if I don't sit so he can have a lap...but it has fallen below 64 in the house...this week promises nights in the 40s and days in the 70s...Fall at last, now if it would only last a month or so before really cold temps creep in.
    Mama Bear

  3. Awww..our cats used to do this! Nugget lays on the register during the summer for the AC. He never seeks out sun or the heat. Rabbits must be naturally hotter. :)

  4. Cute Cat! I'm working for a client who has two. One is an escape artist named Motor and the other is Sissy. Motor has gotten out twice. He is smart and he's determined. He knows how to open the sliding screen door.


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