Monday, November 15, 2010

Today's The Day — Updated

Hubby has gone in for surgery. I got a call and they made the incision at 8:20. I'll get updates about every two hours as long as he is in the operating room. Thank you for praying for his safety and recovery as well as Heather's.

Laurie at Bargain Hunting and Chatting with Laurie has been kind enough to offer to forward cards for anyone who would like to send one. You just need to send it to Robert, c/o Laurie, P.O. Box 443, Blytheville, AR 72316.


At about 3:30 the doctor came in to talk to me following the surgery (Heather started after him and will finish after him). I should be able to see Hubby by 5:00. Everything went well with his surgery. Please pray specifically for a quick (four instead of six weeks) and complete recovery, good liver regeneration, and minimal pain. Hubby has never had major surgery.


  1. I've been praying this morning. I'll be checking back for updates. laurie

  2. Wow, Kayren, what a selfless gift!!!!!! Praying that surgery goes well for all involved. What an amazing man your husband is to do this for another. :)

  3. Hi Karyn....we pray for you and David......i post it today on my blog !..the candles burn for you !...i come back later for Ria....

  4. Hope all is going well today! Did you mention somewhere why you aren't at the hospital during the surgery? Just curious, especially since it is local.

    And best wishes to Heather, too..that all would go well and her body wouldn't reject her new liver!


  5. Oh ...GOOD! haha! When you said you were getting a call every two hours, I thought you were at home! I thought WHAT??? :)

    Well, 5:00 is soon....hope you do get to see him then! What a long day you've had!

  6. And then I didn't get a call every two hours! We had to ask to get a call at four hours, and then ask and ask to get another one, but then it was over and it was just waiting for the doctor. It was a little crazy...

  7. I've been thinking of you guys and praying lots. Praying now for a full, speedy recovery!

  8. Been praying! Love yous (((HUG)))...

  9. wow I stopped in for a quick visit and am shocked to see this! hope all is well now...and who's Heather? Maybe I need to read more to see what's new, instead of flipping through my subscriptions to see who's blog randomly appears next...

  10. He is certainly a hero!
    I'm happy all is going well.
    Mama Bear

  11. Kayren, I've had all of you in my thoughts and prayers all day. Still praying. Hope you are holding up. I know the waiting and worrying is so hard. Sending you hugs. laurie

  12. Hi Kayren,

    Praying in Australia for a speedy recovery as well as for you and the kids.

    Julie in Australia

  13. just checking in. Still praying. Hope all is going well. laurie

  14. what a wonderful and beautiful witness your husband is! What a great thing to do for another human being!
    I will be praying.

  15. What an example for your kids! Many thanks to Robert!


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