Sunday, January 2, 2011

Pom Pom Garland

I'm already getting ready for next Christmas.

I'm making pom poms. Like crazy.

In all different colors and four different sizes. I got pom pom makers for Christmas!

If you click on the picture it will take you to Amazon. (If you purchase them I will receive a small percentage from the sale.)

They didn't have the best directions, but decent enough pictures on the back that I could figure out what to do. Best of all, it was fast.

I have about four feet of pom pom garland right now. I strung the pom poms on plain embroidery thread. It's quite heavy.

I'm going to be making pom poms and garland to have them ready for next year. I'm going to make snowmen with the pom poms on skewers too. But I couldn't resist hanging the little bit of garland I had, even if it was just for a few days.

I can't wait to see lots of it on my big tree next year!


  1. Love glad that I stopped by...
    Trying to get back and visit blogs I love. I have missed blog reading during tree season
    Happy New Year!

  2. You needed another craft! LOL! Very cute!

  3. I'm. In. Love.

    I love garlands and this is my first time seeing one like this. Totally adding to my favorites.

  4. LOVE it! I bought those pom pom makers about a month ago and they changed my life! Check out my blog...I talk about pom poms A LOT! I'm kind of obsessed!


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