Friday, February 11, 2011

Sparky's Newest Journey

We were packing again at our house. This is a suitcase full of 100 stuffed animals, over 200 pencils, two Ziplocs of diecast cars, six dozen combs, and a few hundred ponytail holders. They are for an orphanage in the Dominican Republic.

This is the last week of a four-week project where the group is building a church for local missionaries. Sparky is going to have some special opportunities to teach Bible stories during the week to both Dominican children and to the American missionary children. She is very excited!

She was able to fit all of her clothes and personal items into her carry-on and backpack, with the exception of a few packages of trail mix and an extra bag of cashews. The second hard suitcase has 30 more stuffed animals, dum dum lollipops, soft peppermints, and other goodies. It helped that she didn't have to take bedding, a pillow, or towels this trip.

Her suitcase is new to her (less than $5), but it's basic black. Somewhere behind the scenes she usually loses her luggage strap, so she needed to mark her bag to identify it on the luggage carousel easily. She opted for "MG" for Missionary Girl. It's lime green nail polish.

Her so-far always chaperone:

They will also be visiting a Haitian refugee village in the Dominican at the end of their week. They will purchase food at a grocer and distribute it to some of the families. Over the course of the project they will have fed every family in the village.

Togo, West Africa, last February.

Cochabamba, Bolivia, last October.

In May, she's going to Nicaragua.

Her passport is filling up!


  1. Way to go, Sparky! I'll be waiting to hear about the great things that happen on this trip!

  2. Sounds exciting and wonderful. Praying that the time Sparky is away is full of God's amazing strength and power, that He keeps her safe (and Mrs Missionary and all travelling with her).

    Kayren, you and your husband are wonderful parents to give Sparky this opportunity. I hear of so many Christian parents who freak out when their children desire full time ministry or mission work.

    Looking forward to Sparky's next blog entry.

    Julie in Australia


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