Monday, May 16, 2011

At Random

Last night we had the annual spring children's musical at our church. This year there were a few special effects like some fog and black lights. Caboose was a jellyfish, and partiality aside, they were the cutest part of the show.

The jellyfish were carrying umbrellas with some crinkly, clear white streamers hanging from them. This is how they looked in the special lighting. They would move them up and down slowly like jellyfish move. Too cute!

It's been cold here again. It was in the low 40's today. We had to turn the heater back on since the gas fireplace just wasn't enough. It was 65 degrees in the house this morning. The birds are even puffing up to keep warm.

I have my surgery on Wednesday morning. The doctor wanted to wait until this week to let the bruising from the biopsy go down. The surgeon's office is actually open this Saturday, so I'm hopeful that by that day I will have the results on whether the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.

I've been walking and have made drastic changes to my diet. I'm trying to drink more water and less coffee (insert sad face here). I've pretty much cut out sugar. I've increased my fiber significantly including adding flax seeds to my smoothies. I've also switched from using vanilla yogurt in my smoothies to plain and then adding honey (from a local supply that I already had) and I couldn't tell the difference. When I read labels, I'm amazed how many things have sugar as the second or third ingredient in their list.

I think I've come up with a salad dressing I can live with and I've also been making myself sweet potato fries. I've been cutting up a sweet potato into small fry-sized strips, and then tossing them in a smidge of olive oil, salt, and Mrs. Dash garlic and herb seasoning. I place them on a cookie sheet and bake them for 30 minutes, flipping once at 20 minutes. They're yummy!

Sparky is in Nicaragua this week. She left very early Saturday morning and will return very late this coming Saturday night. Unless something changes, this is the last trip she has planned until she returns to Togo next February.

Buddy is in the middle of baseball now. I think they've had four games. They had to play tonight when it was so cold. There's not much you can do about it when you live in Michigan.

Chatty spent the night with one of her best friends on Saturday night and then all day on Sunday after church. Her friend will be working at horse camp all summer (the one Chatty will go to for about three weeks). They wanted to spend some time together before she left.

Her friend got a new car, about a 2008, after she'd been saving for years. She has an older brother that is very jealous of it. Chatty was telling Hubby how nice it is and that, "It's an LS!" He asked her what kind of LS. She emphasized again that it was an LS. We all had a good laugh about that. She obviously doesn't pay any attention to cars!

We got a new camera a month or so ago. Hubby had been saving for it for over a year. We take tons of pictures of our backyard birds. I've shown you a few but I have tons to share that are just awesome. I just don't want to have every single post be about birds!


  1. Thanks for the update. I've been thinking and praying for you.
    Your diet changes sound smart, and good too. I take flax seed every day. I grind mine and stir it into tomato juice.
    The kids all sound like they are doing well - happy and busy!

  2. What a nice update on everyone. I've been thinking about you, as I will on Wednesday morning during your surgery. Yes, it would be nice to get the results at the end of the week. :)

  3. hey, marie...was that simultaneously? Can I say 'jinx'?? ::)

  4. Why can't every post have bird pictures? I really like birds! HA! I'll be praying ALL day Wednesday!!

  5. Kayren,
    I will be praying for you! I am just now reading about your news, I'm sorry I missed it when you posted. My blog reading has been a bit random lately with lots of goings on here. I pray that everything goes very smoothly and you are healed completely! I also think I may try your sweet potato fry recipe~looks yummy:)

  6. I hope everything goes well prayers are with love thanks for the update !!

  7. Kayren,
    I haven't been online much and just learned about your recent diagnosis.
    Rick, Heather and I send you our love and wish you Robert and your children the best.
    Our thought and prayers are with you for a sucessful surgery and total healing.
    When we saw you last you looked so wonderful it's hard to imagine anything was amiss. Sending you a big hug.
    Hugs, Cathy

  8. Kayren, I have had you in my thoughts and prayers all day
    today and will continue to do so
    24/7. Dick and I had been away
    riding trains in Canada for 2+weeks and I just checked your
    blog yesterday and learned of
    your recent diagnosis. I am
    sending many vertual HUGS to you.
    Hugs, Myke

  9. OK dear, you need to give us an update!


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