Sunday, May 1, 2011

Spring In A Week

Last Thursday I was out driving and saw the first daffodils.

Friday I saw more daffodils and some forsythia. Our grass started going from brown to green. I also took these pictures of the trees out in front of our house and our neighbor's house.

The leaves on our trees turn red before they turn green. I don't know what kind of trees they are.

I decided to check out the landscaping in front and see if there was anything happening. There was!

Spring literally 'sprung' last week at our house!

I know lots of the country is in full bloom, and some of it has been for a couple of months or more. It's May 1st, and this is the view of the trees out our back door.

Here are a male red-bellied woodpecker and a male downy woodpecker on side-by-side trees, which happen to still be barren.

But on the drive to church today there were hints of green in the tops of some of the early budding trees. Soon we will be in full bloom too.

And then in five months we'll be prepping for winter again.


  1. We were walking around our yard tonight, and enjoyed the same type of thing. Hooray for Spring!

  2. very nice!! spring has finally sprung in Chicagoland too, woohoo!! :) it seems to be a bit behind this year.

    ughhh, dreading November already... ;)

  3. It can hit us in October! We at least have to prepare the outside by then because of freezing temperatures.

    Hooray and woohoo are right!

  4. Oh how lovely! It's always so wonderful to see the green!


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