Thursday, October 13, 2011

You Know You're Old When...

You know the signs they have up near the check-out registers of convenience stores, grocery stores, and really any store that sells cigarettes and tobacco products? Well, they say that you can't buy those products unless you were born before that day in 1993 now. I noticed one in the store the other day and it kind of jumped out at me. It is what it's said all year. It means you're 18 years old.

On December 3rd this year my girls will be 18. That sign applies to them by age even though it doesn't apply to them for making an actual purchase. Yes, feeling a little aged.

Hubby's birthday is today. In Michigan your driver's license expires on your birthday every so many years. You can mail in a form and pay your renewal fee and not go to the DMV. This year Hubby's license expires. Tricky part is that your wife has to do it for you and mail it in at least three weeks in advance per the notice. The three weeks in advance part per the notice, not the wife doing it. Well, with company for two weeks (my parents came to visit!), chemo, and then a cold to complicate matters, I kind of just forgot. So yesterday after my chemo, Hubby brought me home and then went to the DMV.

If we'd done the mail renewal he wouldn't have had to have a new picture made. But since he went in he gets an entirely new license. The beauty of that is that he can mail in the next renewal and not have to get a picture done again — until he's at least in his 50's!!! Yep, feeling old.


  1. Congratulations !! with your from

  2. I sure have missed your voice...but I didn't want to say so cuz I know you have lots to do and deal glad to "hear you" again. Happy Birthday to your uber-supportive husband!!

  3. Hello Karen, Here we have to go in and get a new photo every 4 years..I did not like the one on my new licence at all so I've kept the old one. I almost used it at the dr this week. It has holes punched in it so it is recognized as expired even before someone looks at the date...In Tennessee they keep the old one.
    I'm so glad you're beginning to feel better.
    You guys are still young,
    Mama Bear

  4. Happy Birthday to Robert! My Robert had to go in to the DMV to get his license renewed in June because his wife forgot to mail it in - and I didn't have any of the excuses you do. :)

  5. happy birthday to robert!

    50's isn't so old anymore...tell him that so he isn't fretting about the future. lol...


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