Friday, March 13, 2009

Tour The House — The Powder Room

I suppose it's a powder room instead of a bathroom since there is no bathtub or shower. Basically, it's the downstairs half-bath and the only bathroom, or powder room, that is on the first floor. It's located near the laundry room, mud room area (not officially a mud room yet), kitchen, and where we come in from the garage. It's the only bathroom...I can't keep from calling it that...that has nine foot ceilings in the house, too. It's kind of weird.

You can tell I've got pictures up. We're really doing this unpacking and moving in thing for real now. Someday we'll paint over the builder beige and replace the basic light fixtures, but those things can wait.

There is a strong resemblane to the bars hanging in the kids' bathrooms. Oh, they might be from Ikea. The only bathroom they aren't in is mine. The only reason they aren't is that they were just a little too cutesy for me to pull it off.

You might also be sensing that I have a tendency to like a little bit of an Americana theme.

Well, except for that daisy dish holding Peka's Dixie cups for his fresh tap water.

Americana, daisies, and snowmen. That's me in a nutshell.


  1. Very, very nice! I love how everything is so fresh and new! :)

  2. We are like each other, my friend! I just put daisies on my wallpaper, added new Americana curtains to my brown kitchen, and have snowmen up as long as there is snow! HA! God is good...and so mysterious!

  3. I love Americana - my family room is decorated that way. I also collect snowmen and I love daisies too!

  4. Very cute. Has a clean, simple feel to it that I love.



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