Sunday, August 16, 2009

Menu Plan Monday — August 17th

Last week was a complete success. I actually stuck to my menu plan 100 percent. That's a first!

The 5-Minute Southwest Layered Salad blew us away. It was so good. Here's what I had to say about it earlier this week after we had it for dinner. It was definitely one of the highlights of the week. The copycat recipe for the TGI Friday's Pecan-Crusted Chicken Salad was excellent and it really did taste just like the real thing. I did do one thing differently. I bought balsamic vinaigrette dressing (Newman's Own) instead of making it from the recipe.

Hubby is going to be gone all week, so I'm going to go with a simple menu plan.

Monday — Ice Cream for dinner at Dairy Queen. Yep, because every kid should do this at least once every summer (or once a month every summer if ice cream is a food group at your house like it is at our house).

Tuesday — Breakfast for dinner. I'm planning Pancakes with Strawberry Topping, Blueberry Muffins from a boxed mix (because that's Caboose's favorite kind), and probably some bacon. I hope to get some eggs boiled before then, too. I always have pancakes left over and Chatty loves to eat them for breakfast for a few days.

Wednesday — Spaghetti.

Thursday — Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.

Friday — Hubby comes home, and I'm torn between picking him up at the airport and going to Ikea or taking all the kids for a treat to Steak and Shake. I have all week to decide.

Saturday5-Minute Southwest Layered Salad, because it was so good and I'm actually craving food in my food.

Sunday — Eat out since we ate in all week, unless we don't on Friday, which would be a treat and an exception.

For more great menu ideas, probably some that are a little more elaborate than mine this week, go visit Laura, The Organizing Junkie.


  1. I had your 5 minute salad today and loved it!

  2. mmm pancakes with strawberry topping sounds really good right about's 3am...I'm reading...trying to get sleepier...and to wipe out my mind of the terrible movie we just watched...I HATE scary movies :'(

  3. Ice cream for dinner!? Why didn't I think of that ;) It's a "staple" at our house too.

  4. I had icecream for dinner last night! :)

  5. Yummy menu. I love breakfast for dinner too! Have a great week.

  6. What a fun menu plan, love the ice cream for dinner idea!

  7. Hope to see you at Crock Pot Wednesdays on this week. Thanks for posting. Debbie


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