Thursday, November 5, 2009

Americana Santa

I fibbed. I'm not doing another Williamsburg installment until next week. But I am sticking with an Americana theme.

Meet my Americana Snowman.

He was given to me as a gift by my next-door neighbor at Fort Dix, New Jersey, in 1998. She was getting ready to move and gave me a going away gift!

When I first moved to Fort Dix I had the two girls who were still three years old and Buddy who had just had his first birthday. Hubby was in school in Ohio and was only coming back on the weekends for the first four weeks we lived there.

The kids and I lived in the military housing for the first week with no furniture (except Buddy's crib) and slept on air mattresses. I had to accept the furniture and household goods delivery by myself since Hubby was in Ohio. I had gotten to know my next-door neighbor a little, and she offered to keep the kids while I took delivery. Little did we know it would be from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m., and it was October so it got dark early. She was my new BFF!

About a year later my neighbor welcomed her third child, and she didn't have any baby things anymore. Since I'd had twins and didn't need a second crib or changing table anymore, I sold her mine. She was so appreciative that when she moved not long after that she got me the going away gift of the Americana Santa.

It was the perfect gift for my Americana house. I love him and it always makes me think of her.

This post is linked to Show and Tell Friday hosted by Cindy at My Romantic Home. Go visit her — her blog is darling.


  1. Hi!

    Great Santa!

    have a wonderful day!

  2. It's fun the things we love and the reasons.

  3. I love your Americana Santa!
    Have a wonderful week end!
    ~Really Rainey~

  4. I collect Santas!! I have 100s of them. So, if you ever want to get THIS Santa out of your way....I'm here for you.

    My show n tell this week is glass, glass antiques. A couple of them. Come by if you can. Have a glorious weekend. Click Here

  5. Hi there!
    He's simply gorgeous. How nice of her to give you such a wonderful gift.
    Enjoying your blog
    Stop over sometime!
    Hugs and Love Suex

  6. Ilove Santas! He's adorable. Jean

  7. What a sweet gift to receive from your friend. I don't live too far from Fort Dix and I have twins too :)

  8. Oh Karyn

    He's great and how very thoughtful of your friend. You know me I just love anything to do with Christmas!


  9. I've never heard of an Americana Santa before!

  10. How sweet to of her to give you this! He sure is cute! -April

  11. Nice story. I would never have thought of putting Santa with a flag!

  12. What a great story! I'm sure your old neighbor would be very pleased that you still have the santa and that it holds special memories for you!


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