Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Taste-a-Like Recipe for Starbuck's Chai Tea

I've had recipes before to make drink mixes and I've never run into one that completely tastes like the one it is substituting. I've only recently started drinking Chai Tea (like I've had three total and one was free) but I got hooked quickly. I remembered a blog friend posting a recipe mix months ago for Chai Tea, so I went back and found it. I made it last night and to me it tastes exactly like the ones I buy at the store. I do need to give a shout out to my friend Bobbi over at Blogging Along where I got the recipe in the first place. Thanks, Bobbi!

Instant Chai Tea Latte Mix
from my friend, Bobbi

1 cup dry milk
1 cup dry creamer
1 cup dry French vanilla creamer
2 1/2 cups sugar
1 1/2 cups plain instant tea
2 tsp ginger
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp cloves
1 tsp cardamom
1 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp allspice

Blend all ingredients in food processor into a fine powder. Use 3 heaping spoons per mug of boiling water.

I don't have a food processor so I just used my blender. It worked just fine. I was a little worried as I added in all my ingredients that it would be too full, but it wasn't.

I ended up with one full Ball jar and a second one up to the 2 1/2 cup line of mix. I use 3 heaping spoons in my large mugs. I think it would be too much if you have smaller cups and would cut it down to only 2 spoons. Get your water good and hot so it dissolves everything.

By the way, if you don't have any cardamom and haven't ever bought any (which I hadn't), it isn't cheap. The McCormick's glass jar was ten dollars and something.

This is that time of year for gift mixes, so maybe you have someone on your list who would love some Chai Tea. Or maybe you'll just make it for yourself to enjoy.


  1. I made this a few years ago, put it in pretty glasses and gave it away. It's so good! I need to make more.
    You're right about the cardamon. Talk about sticker shock!

  2. Teeheehee...I am soooo tickled with this little Chai shoutout...I might be floating about all day. Thanks! I'm so glad that you liked it!!!

  3. I love Chai tea! Thanks for the recipe

  4. I love Chai Tea!!! I drink it all the time, Reese got me hooked! You know what else is so yummy? Chocolate Chai Smoothies. They have ALOT of caffiene in them though and I don't drink them often, but they are my favorite :)

    Thanks for posting the recipe


  5. I don't buy it out very often because it is usually to sweet for me. I like the International Coffee Chai.

    I copied this and I am going to make it and try it. I think I'll cut back the sugar a little. I am going to look for some pretty jars at the craft place and make some gifts.
    Mama Bear

  6. Quick question: is "instant tea" the same as unsweetened iced tea mix? I did not find "instant tea" in my grocery store - just the iced tea mix. Same thing?? Can't wait to try this!


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