Thursday, November 19, 2009

Williamsburg Prints

These three prints of historic Colonial Williamsburg buildings are done by a local artist, Gail Duke. They were one of my first purchases at Williamsburg, actually the first time we went, and I just kept them in their packaging and didn't even frame them until we got here. I purchased mats and ready-made frames on sale at Michael's and did it myself.

This is the Capitol of Colonial Williamsburg (you can click on any link for more information). Built in 1705 and reconstructed in the 1930s, the Capitol is one of Colonial Williamsburg's best-known buildings. We watched many a reenactment take place from there.

This is the Governor's Palace. It was at one time home to seven royal governors, Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson, and has served as a hospital for wounded soldiers.

This is the Magazine. It was built in 1715 to store weapons and powder.

I needed to complete my Williamsburg tour this week, but I wanted to Show and Tell you a few other things. Here are two other posts I did this week that would have been equally good Show and Tell posts, so click over and take a look:

Rome Wasn't Built In A Day — The girls and I built a quilt in a day though!
While You Were Out — Doing a little remodel while Hubby was out of town.

This post is linked to Show and Tell Friday hosted by Cindy at My Romantic Home.


  1. Wow, these are gorgeous...and you did a fantastic job on framing them yourself!
    I absolutely love Williamsburg and all the wonderful history there.

  2. Those are so pretty and really like the framing.

  3. very nice prints! Like you, I always love historical buildings.. thanks for sharing..

  4. I remember seeing all those buildings when we visited Williamsburg. Those prints are really nice and I love the framing.

  5. I think I like the framed magazine best. Tho, they're all wonderful. I bet your home is just so charming....filled with conversation pieces such as these works of art.

    Mine is up. Just Dollar Store Finds for the Holidays this week. Click Here

  6. Good Morning my Friend!

    What a beautiful set of prints. I've never been to Williamsburg, but they are wonderful!


  7. I actually remember these places, even though my trip to Williamsburg was probably 35 years ago! Beautiful prints!

  8. Thank you for sharing; lovely prints, and a great job of framing them.

    Have a GRAND weekend.

  9. WOW, the framing is great, very nice.

  10. Hi Kayren!

    Those prints look fantastic! You did such a good job of picking out the right frames and matting! Well done!


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