Tuesday, December 15, 2009

So, SO Much Better

I put all my efforts into bringing out my former math glory. The pressure was on because I didn't have enough fabric to goof up.

It's similar yet completely different from the original one I did. It's over twice as big!

This is what a proper boxed corner should look like.

I'll give you the measurements in a minute, but here's what I did different from the original pattern:

1. I added an additional strip of fabric around the top for extra height.

2. I added some red furry stuff for accent. I did it during the 'quilting' process.

3. I lengthened the handles.

4. I used two colors for the interior, mainly because I didn't have enough of one color (there isn't nearly as much green and much more red than it looks like).

5. I boxed the corners at 3" instead of 1 1/2" since it was a bigger bag. And of course I did them correctly this time.

Here is the link to the original pattern that I gave you yesterday.

Here are the dimensions I used for this size bag:

16 strips 2 1/2" x 9 1/2" (2 each of 8 different prints, or 4 each of 4 different prints if you do it like me)
1 piece 16 1/2" x 9 1/2" for the bottom of the bag (coordinating print or one of the prints you used above)
2 strips 4 1/2" x 20" for the handles
2 strips 16 1/2" x 4" to go across the top of the bag
1 piece 16 1/2" x 34 1/2" for the interior (I used three pieces, one was 21", and two were 7", so when I sewed them together and lost 1/2" for the two seam allowances, the total length was 34" — if you don't use one solid length and have to sew pieces together, you need to add 1/2" to the fabric length you cut for every seam you sew— I made a mistake and only added 1/4".

Chatty is very happy with her bag.

I hope she doesn't look at the blog and read this, because I have some more cute fabric to make her a couple more for Christmas now that I know what I'm doing. I think I'll do it differently next time, without all the little strips, maybe with four large blocks. But I can't show you until after Christmas.


  1. It's so cute! The fuzzy accent is great. Nice job!

  2. That's beautiful, Kayren!
    I wanted you to know that I did the cold water potato trick at Thanksgiving. Thanks so much for passing it along! :)

  3. I like the different fabrics you used.
    Very nice.
    Mama Bear


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