Monday, December 14, 2009


That's how it came out.

Although you probably can't tell yet from these pictures.

Or even this one.

But the bottom of this one is the dead giveaway.

I boxed wrong the first time and then tried to box right. It didn't quite work.

The bag is also much smaller than I realized it was going to be.

I do know how to read a pattern. I also know that when I'm cutting strips that are 1 1/2" x 5" that they aren't going to be very big when you sew them with 1/4" seam allowances on both sides.

Here is one set sewn together.

Here both of them are once the seams are ironed. They stretch out quite a bit.

Here's a close-up of the botched-up box bottom.

Still very cute, but not the handbag-type carryall I thought would be perfect for Chatty right now. Because my brain wasn't thinking about the size of those little strips. So Caboose is using it to carry a stuffed animal around the house.

I'm getting ready to make a bigger one. I've been using my challenged math brain to figure out what size to cut bigger strips so I can make a bigger bag. Since I bought a fat quarter pack I won't have enough Christmas tree fabric, but I have some green I can use, assuming my calculations are correct, which is a mighty big assumption right now.

You want to make one? Here is where I got the idea and the directions. Remember, it makes a small bag. If my calculations work out, I'll give them to you for a bigger bag. (I also didn't use eight different prints; I just repeated four. Since I don't follow recipes, why follow a pattern.)

Oh, and I don't do pretty quilting. I just run a few seams down the seams because I just have a regular machine.


  1. I have a challenged math brain too, and forget seam allowances myself. It is very cute though, very cute concept.

  2. It may be small, but it's cute!

  3. Obviously, other than the snowmen...we also have sewing skillz in common! HA HA HA! It's still'd make a rockin' gift bag for something really special!

  4. Oh funny....I thought it was a big tote bag in the first two pics! ha! It could be a cell phone carrier! :)

  5. Those look incredible to me but I'm not a good sewer and don't know much about it. But they sure are cute to me! :)

  6. Very cute, Kayren! One of these days I'd like to learn to sew.


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