Saturday, January 2, 2010


I have never been one to make resolutions. I think it probably goes back to my dislike for journaling and writing things down. I'm getting out of my box and writing down some goals for 2010. Sharing them no less. That's a biggie for me. I don't usually share important written down stuff with people.

Just stuff that would embarrass the daylights out of me.


  • Read the Bible in 90 Days. I started yesterday.
  • Pray my daughter to and from Togo, West Africa, in February.
  • Do the purity study with the girls.
  • Work with all the kids on integrity and character training from Proverbs.


  • Get to bed earlier so I can get up earlier without being so tired.
  • Remember to take my vitamins regularly for my health.
  • Exercise for my health, with the side benefit being weight loss.


  • Be more regular about our daily start time.


  • Incorporate a successful plan for keeping the house neat and picked up where the kids are helping regularly.
  • Incorporate more new meals into the meal planning.
  • Get all my recipes organized into one recipe binder system, including computerizing.
  • Organize pantry better, especially for stockpiled items.
  • Contact friends that we've neglected for the past few years of moving.

Well, that's it. It'll be a year before we know the results, at least for most of the things on my list, but I'm curious. Do you make resolutions or goals?


  1. Great blog! God bless you and all you do. I followed your website via an email that was sent to me by a lady named Kathy.

  2. Those are great resolutions, and I could use several of them myself.
    I don't usually make specific resolutions, but I do have things I plan to work toward, if that makes sense!

  3. You've got some great goals for 2010 ! I don't always make resolutions. I have made one that I've kept though. 1996 ... someone dared me that I couldn't drink soft drink for one year. I accepted and I did it ! That was probably more a determination to win the dare than a resolution but whatever ! :) This year we are doing the whole unprocessed thing. Again ... not really a resolution, the New Year just seemed a good time to start a year long project !

  4. Those are some very ambitious resolutions! Good for you, setting the bar high. :)

    Uh oh...could it be there's another difference between us? LOL! I love to makes lists and write things down. I don't journal, but I have a journal full of lists...projects to do, a wish list, goals. :)

  5. Great ideas. I reorganized my kitchen and pantry this week. It was such a good feeling to get it done.I just wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy New Year and invite you to join me each week for Crock Pot Wednesday. I hope you can make it this week. Mister Linky will be up by Tuesday evening.


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