Sunday, January 24, 2010

Menu Plan Monday — January 25

Last week I made everything I had on my menu plan, and with only two nights flipped with each other.

I'm doing an imaginary wave of celebration right now by the way. I think that's twice. Ever.

Last week's new recipe was only so-so. It was the Two-Pepper Chicken with Honey Butter.

It was really kind of funny. Hubby said I should take off the peppercorns because it was really good with the honey butter. I personally thought the peppercorns were the only thing that were adding much flavor to it. The kids ate it. They at least weren't disgusted by it. It probably won't get made again, although I will hang onto the recipe for the honey butter for other things.

Hubby's gone this week again, so we're not really trying new things.

Monday — Beef Stew leftovers.

Tuesday — White Chicken Chili.

Wednesday — Leftovers.

Thursday — Macaroni and Cheese, from the blue box.

Friday — Soup and salad. Hubby is coming home and then has to man the Awana T&T Boys' Sleepover. It'll just be me and the three oldest kids. I do not envy him.

Saturday — Nachos.

Sunday — Eat out since we ate in all week!

Visit The Organizing Junkie for hundreds of menu plans!


  1. congrats on such a successful week with the meals!

  2. Sounds like there were no schedule changing catastrophes last week! LOL! I have a grilled chicked recipe that calls for a drizzle of honey at the end...yum!

  3. I have beef stew on the menu for this week as well. I'm very impressed with how well you stick to your schedule, mine doesn't always work out as planned, but I guess that's life! :)

  4. I saw where you had posted the 2 pepper chicken with honey butter and I thought we would give it a whirl...My husband loved it, I was okay with it. If we make it again, it has to be when it is warm out because my sinuses went crazy. I loved the honey butter though, it reminded me of O'Charleys honey butter :)


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