Thursday, January 28, 2010

Puzzles as Wall Decor

One of the ways that we found to decorate Buddy's room with a sports theme when he was younger and there wasn't much available was to use puzzles.

We worked them and then we had them framed.

It's a cute way to personalize the decor for a room, and if the puzzle is the same size as a standard frame, you could probably get by with framing it yourself.

When Hubby and I were first married and headed back to our college apartment as sophomores, we used puzzles to decorate our bare walls. But back then we just glued the puzzles to cardboard and then glued two tabs from soda cans on each corner as wall hangers for the nails.

Military moves weren't so kind to them and they've been gone a while now so they are only part of my tell.

Everybody I live around now also calls it pop instead of soda.

This post is linked to Show and Tell Friday hosted by Cindy at My Romantic Home.


  1. We have a couple of puzzles that meant someting to us so we did the same thing.

  2. This is one awesome show n tell. I used to do puzzles and once made a clock out of one finished one....we had it for years.

    Awesome. Oh, and it is even better 'cause it's baseball! Just two more months and the season begins! Can't wait.

    My show n tell is all about Valentine stuff this week.


  3. I still have a puzzle that we had framed for the kids room when they were younger. It's ET when he was hiding in the closet with all the stuffed animals. It was really cute in the little kids room. I'm happy to see someone else did/does this!

  4. We did that with two puzzles my grandmother, mother and oldest son all worked on together.

    ~ Tracy

  5. great memory of the time it took to make it.

  6. Thanks for coming by and saying hi. I tried the puzzle framing once. I must have used the wrong glue, cuz it didn't come out very good. Your wall hangings look perfect! Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Wow, those look like they were challenging puzzles! I call it soda too!

  8. I love jigsaw puzzles and these are perfect for a boys room! Nice visiting your show & TELL :)

    Kindly, ldh
    Oh, it is soda in my neck of the woods.


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