Sunday, January 31, 2010

Menu Plan Monday — February 1

Hubby will be in town during the week for the first time in two weeks. That means we might try a couple of new recipes!

MondayFrench Toast, using my homemade sourdough bread. I gave a girl at church some starter a month ago, and she said she used some of her bread for french toast and it was yummy. I think from talking to her this is the recipe she used. I might leave out the nutmeg.

TuesdayImpossibly Easy Chicken Pot Pie.


Thursday5-Minute Southwest Layered Salad. I'll be using this most delicious Homemade Salsa instead of store bought. I will probably not ever buy salsa in the store again.

FridaySoup, Salad, and Baked Potato Bar. Then maybe some popcorn and a movie.

SaturdayBaked Spaghetti.

Sunday — Eat out since we ate in all week!

Check out the hundreds of menu plans at Organizing Junkie!


  1. I LOVE the idea of having a soup, salad and baked potato bar! We like to do "fun" meals on Saturday nights and this would be perfect. I'm going to do this next week!

  2. If your bread is like the bread I've been making, it does make great French toast! Enjoy!

  3. I love popcorn and movie nights -- and, even popcorn in soup! try it instead of crackers/bread -- it's fun treat :)

  4. I love baked potato dinners. So easy and so yummy.

  5. Your menu sounds delicious esp. the French toast!!

    Have a great week:)

  6. I think it is so great you plan your recipes for the week.

    When my husband asks me what for dinner; I often say "reservations". LOL



  7. Looks good Kayren. I like your soup, salad and potato bar idea. That would be a fun thing to do. Come join me for Crock Pot Wednesday...there's a giveaway going on.


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