Friday, February 5, 2010

Puppy Chow

Definitely one of our favorite snacks!

9 cups Chex Cereal (I use Rice Chex, and you can use the store brand)
1 cup milk chocolate chips (because they are so much better than semi-sweet)
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup butter
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups powdered sugar (because for all those wonderful people out there who are completely eliminating sugar, we are can use 1 1/2 cups)

If you want your chocolate chips, peanut butter, and butter to melt just perfectly in the microwave, do this:

After one minute in the microwave this is what it looks like:

Here I have stirred it just a smidge to get everything mixed together some and I've added in the teaspoon of vanilla:

Here it is all perfectly stirred together:

I pour it over my 9 cups of Chex cereal that I've previously placed in a large plastic bowl.

I toss it until all those little pieces are coated very well. It's a mission.

I hope I took the picture before I was done tossing and got those few on top coated better. They're bothering me.

I put all those covered Chex into the largest zip-top baggie I can find (which is currently only the zipper 2 1/2 gallon; I used to be able to find the 2 gallon regular ziploc) that already has all my powdered sugar in it:

Toss the dickens out of it. The zipper tops will sometimes let a puff of powdered sugar out. Regular ziploc wouldn't, but one gallon size isn't big enough unless you use two. Experience speaking.

Spread it out on wax paper or parchment paper.

Eat immediately. Store leftovers in a new, clean, smaller ziploc in the refrigerator. I like it better cold. Unfortunately, I have vultures in my house now and there is rarely any left after the first hour.


  1. Mmmm, Puppy Chow is SO good! I like it better cold too. Have you ever tried it with milk and eat it like cereal? YUM!

  2. This is one of our favorites too! I just read Morgans comment. Never thought of eating it with milk, but I bet that's good too.

  3. I haven't thought about puppy chow since middle school! My friend's mom use to make it for us all the time when we had sleepovers.

  4. Okay, Morgan, you've definitely got a few of my kids and me craving this as cereal now! This could certainly be addictive! (And it's not all my kids only because they haven't seen your comment yet.)

    And Stephanie, my girls had it for them and their two friends when they turned 16 in December and had a sleepover. Must be a staple!

  5. I live with vultures, too. Sigh.

    I've had this before...very yummy!


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