Sunday, February 7, 2010

Menu Plan Monday — February 8

It's a busy week at our house! And of course I chose tonight to get rid of our first builder beige. Exciting!

MondayFrench Toast using my homemade sourdough bread. I started starter to see if it would work. I made bread from it. It tasted almost identical to what I already have. When I say almost, I was really trying to find something different.

TuesdayRoast in the crock pot. We have small group at our house and are having one of the couples over for dinner beforehand. Then I need to have some snacks for afterwards. I need to work on the snacks.

Wednesday — Leftover buffet or cleanout the fridge and pantry.

Thursday5-Minute Southwest Layered Salad, because I have the ingredients and I didn't make it last week. Well, I don't have the homemade salsa anymore, because we ate all of it. Shucks, I'll have to make more...

FridayBaked Spaghetti, because I also never got to it last week. I was bad. We just cleaned out our fridge instead.

Saturday — I don't know yet, maybe something special for an early Valentine's Day.

Sunday — Completely dependent on Saturday, because if we eat out on Saturday, we won't eat out on Sunday.

My kids love Velveeta cheese dip and little smokies wrapped in bacon and baked with brown sugar. Since we were at church and didn't do anything for the Super Bowl, I'll probably do that one of those two days for Valentine's Day for them. We don't eat junky like that except for special occasions.

I also promised them a Cookie Monster. Recipe to come later this week. You will not want to miss it!

This post is linked to Menu Plan Monday hosted by The Organizing Junkie.


  1. Um...I'll definitely be watching for the *cookie monster*!!

  2. I'm visiting from MPM. Your blog is so cute. Your menu this week sounds yummy. Have a blessed week.

  3. Baked spaghetti is wonderful -- haven't had it in too long. Might have to render that soon!

  4. Some times it's just fun to eat junky. :)


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