Sunday, March 14, 2010

Menu Plan Monday — March 15

Last week I stuck to my menu plan pretty well. I do have a question though for anyone out there.

I went shopping for the Wild Rice Salad I was going to make. It's been on my menu for two weeks, and I would have made it last week, but I can't figure out exactly what kind of rice to buy. The recipe calls for wild rice, but the boxes I saw are fairly small and it seems like I'd have to buy so much it would not be economical. Am I missing something? The recipe does not call for brown rice or long grain and wild rice. Any tips would be appreciated.

Hubby is out of town most of the week, so we'll be going kid-friendly and simple.

MondaySloppy Joes. Yes, again. They were a hit last Monday for small group! We love this recipe, and we didn't have enough for leftovers. We're having company for dinner, so we're having them again.

Tuesday — Since our company is only two people, we will probably have leftovers this time.


Thursday — Breakfast for dinner. Buttermilk biscuits, bacon, and smoothies.


SaturdayLeftover buffet and/or clean out the fridge and pantry.

Sunday — Eat out since we ate in all week. I have a few kiddos craving Chipotle's.

Visit The Organizing Junkie for hundreds of menu plans!


  1. I'm not familiar with your wild rice salad. I make a rice salad that calls for 2 boxes of rice-a-roni - do they make a wild rice version?

    I'm going to mark that sloppy joe recipe. Looks like a good one for when GB goes on sale.

    Have a yummy week.

  2. It looks like a simple week as far as cooking goes. Can't help with the rice recipe. I know that a little rice makes a lot.
    Mama Bear

  3. I've only made wild rice salad once...and I think I used box mixes, but it's been a while. I think you can buy bags of wild rice though, right? Honestly though, I am a rice novice. I'm more of a box mix girl when it comes to rice:)

    Thanks for entering my giveaway!!


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