Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sparky's Togo Pictures

They stopped at a gas station on the way from Accra, Ghana, to Togo and this was a market across the street.

The hospital waiting room.

A lady giving her baby a bath outside the hospital.

The market the ladies went to early in the week is at the end of this street.

This man made shovels.

This lady sold machetes.

This lizard jumped and made all the ladies scream. Then the local kids laughed and pointed at them!

Where they stayed.

The missionary family's pet monkey.

And scorpion!

These are mangos. Sparky knows I love them, so she thought I'd love seeing them. I did!

This is the lady who made her special dress (which I will share on Friday) while wearing her baby.

Don't you just love the iron?!

Fixing a flat — see how they are lifting the car.

A beautiful view.

They allowed Sparky some time off from the kitchen to work with the children. She adored it, and she adored the children. Notice some of them are also wearing the smaller children.

These are the four ladies (girls?) that were on the trip.

The new maternity wing.

A termite hill.

The only reason Sparky wanted to come home was because she missed us.

She wants to go back next year for a month.

We think she's found her country.


  1. What a trip! Beautiful country and people. I'm glad it was a good experience for Sparky, in spite of lost luggage!

  2. Awesome! Wonderful pictures...thanks so much for sharing them all!

  3. Kayren~
    That is so awesome that she's fallen in love with missions work! Her pictures are wonderful, I really enjoyed them all! Especially the closeups of the childrens' faces. So precious!

  4. I was so excited to see some of Sparky's photos. I am so pleased she has experienced a mission and look forward to hearing more about it. Is there any chance she could write a guest post of her impressions of mission from a young woman's perspective?

    Julie in Australia

  5. Wow...what great pictures! Are the kids beautiful! I've never seen mangos growing like that...who knew! I'd pass on the scorpion, though! yikes!

  6. Wow, Kayren, I really enjoyed the pictures. I love Africa though I've never been. Someday. One of my good friends is from Ghana and still has family there.


  7. very cool. So different. very dusty...perfect upside down world for Sparky! hehe


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