Tuesday, March 2, 2010

WFMW — Travel Tip

I'm too lazy to go back in my archives and search for the other button, but WFMW is actually being hosted by Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer for the next two weeks while Kristen is in Kenya with Compassion.

Which is on the tail end of Sparky getting back from Togo.

Which brings me to my WFMW tip.

Pack your carry-on like you will never see your checked luggage!

Especially if you are going overseas.

Sparky's checked suitcase did not make it to Togo.

Mr. Churchmember's checked suitcase did not make it back to New York.

Amidst canceled flights from New York to Detroit, the airline booking Sparky on a separate flight than Mr. Churchmember and Mrs. Missionary (with a plane and terminal change at Dulles in only 50 minutes, which they did not let her do and made the airline put her on the same flight as them), Mrs. Missionary said to the counter person in New York,

"This is the only bag we have left to check. One didn't make it to Ghana, one didn't make it back from Ghana (they drive from Ghana into Togo). Do you think you can get this one to Detroit?"

We packed one of Sparky's towels, all her washclothes, her passport copy, all her undies, all her t-shirts, three of her skirts, two of her blouses, her fitted sheet, her light blanket, feminine personal items, half her soap products, her extra sunscreen, and all her socks in her carry-on.

She had one sunscreen, her hat, all her medicines (prescription and over-the-counter), her compact (the only make-up she wears), a small bottle of contact solution and a case, an extra pair of contacts, hand sanitizer, sunglasses, snacks, a journal, and her Bible in a backpack as her personal item that she put under the seat.

People asked her who packed her carry-on because they were impressed that she could function well with what she had. Mr. Churchmember's wife had given me the advice to do it that way or I wouldn't have had a clue. We were all impressed at the maturity shown by a 16-year-old who was missing a suitcase.

Which still hasn't shown up.

Africa pictures coming in a little while!


  1. Great advice - it served her well!

  2. Poor Sparky, I hope it turns up!

  3. This is very weird. I came upon your post from the "works for me Wed" site and since we travel some, I clicked on it, but the weird part is that my parents are in Togo. Did she go with CWE to help build at the hospital?

  4. Alyssa,

    I can't email you back because your blogger profile isn't public and so I can't just hit reply back to you. Yes, she did go with CWE to help with the maternity wing. That is very weird. I have found just in the last week several instances what a small world this is!

    I'd love for you to email me directly where I can reply back to you.


    I hope you come back by and see this!


  5. I'm so glad it worked out for Sparky. Great advice! My husband has learned this the hard way.

  6. Great advice! I usually pack enough for 1 days/nights worth in carry-on even for traveling for days via car as it is easier to lug in a bag than huge suitcase. :D


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