Saturday, April 24, 2010

"I Hope I Don't Have The Fanciest Dress"

"Can we please get there extra early so people aren't watching us walk up? I'd rather be watching other people walk up."

"I can't walk in these shoes. I think my dress is fancier than everybody who is here already."

It's Senior Banquet time for the girls again, an event arranged for our church's youth group (9th-12th graders) each spring.

Girly Chatty loves shopping for the fancy dress and accessories. Sparky doesn't. Can you guess that she was the one who said all those things at the beginning? She had the teeny tiniest of heel on her shoe. Like maybe an inch. But this is only the second time she's worn one.

The first time was last year's Senior Banquet. Since Sparky has a tiny foot to go along with her petite frame, the heel last year was chunkier because we could only find her a shoe in the children's department. It had pictures all over the shoe (which her foot did cover up when it was on) of a current pop star. She cringes to this day to think about it, but she was going to wear them again this year.

Fortunately, they had almost the exact same shoe in the adult section this year in a size 5, appropriately named the Hannah, just without the pictures. And a slightly skinnier heel.

If you go back and look at last year's pictures, they are even wearing the same color dresses as last year. Just so you don't think I posted the wrong pictures.

Sparky picked out a sweater because she likes to be covered up. She didn't want to wear a bracelet, but you will notice that she is sporting her (ratty) friendship bracelet and a couple of brown or black ponytail holders. A nice matching bracelet wouldn't have worked. I see that now that I've looked at the picture closer.

Here are the girls with two of their good friends. The one on the left is a grade older, and the one on the right is in the same grade and shares Sparky's love of green.

Green girl has a set of older fraternal twins that are a brother/sister and a set of younger brothers that I think are identical. I can't remember what her mom told me. If they are fraternal, they look an awful lot alike. They are Caboose's age and friends with him, and they call each other Brother so nobody really knows who is who. She is sweet as can be and has one other sister in the middle with her.

This is the entire sophomore class. Some of these kids just come to the youth group and don't come on Sunday, but they have been a part of the youth group since they were old enough.

They went to a nice restaurant and then the rest of the evening's plans were a secret. Since it was only in the 50's here, I think they were probably happy when they got inside where it was warm!


  1. Your girls look beautiful! What a fun event to do with the youth group. The whole group looks nice, but I did have to laugh at the boy in tennis shoes!

  2. Mari~
    He wore tennis shoes last year too. He has jeans on if you can't tell.

  3. Oh, yeah, you can tell this is an early dress up event. No one looks too comfortable in their outfits. Your daughter in the white with the wrap and the girl with the long black dress both look good. They do seem more comfortable than the rest.
    I was speaking with the Princess recently about the signs of puberty. She is 9 and already showing some signs. She said she isn't ready to grow up. Its scary, I know, having the Menses to look forward to.
    My daughter was like your daughter who was complaining. She still doesn't like to dress up, wear jewelry much or heels.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Mama Bear

  4. I've had the "pop star shoes" issue myself...and Sparky has my hearts deepest sympathies! *sigh* They look lovely...and happy.

  5. How fun! Can't believe how much older they look than last year! And you just have to laugh at the comments...and the ponytail holders on the wrist! hee.


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