Sunday, April 25, 2010

Menu Plan Monday — April 26

We're having company Monday and then Hubby will be gone from Tuesday through Friday. I usually go simple when Hubby is gone.

Monday — Mexican Beef Casserole. I'm going to make a large salad on the side with lots of fresh veggies, homemade salsa and chips, and corn casserole (I'll share the recipe after I've made it tomorrow and can put up some pictures with it).

Tuesday — I may make extra of the Mexican Beef Casserole just to make sure I have enough, so then we'll definitely have enough for leftovers.

Wednesday — Baked Potato Bar. Buddy will have ball practice and we'll have church, so I'll be playing musical children. An easy night will be appreciated, at least by me.

Thursday — Spaghetti. We haven't had this in a while and I'm all about easy meals when Hubby is out of town.

Friday — Little Smokies in Crescent Rolls. Um, same theory as Thursday.

Saturday — Grill something yummy since Hubby is home. He's the master of the grill.

Sunday — Leftovers from grilling or eat out since we ate in all week.

Visit The Organizing Junkie for hundreds of menu plans and recipe ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Delicious sounding menu! The Mexican Beef casserole sounds yummy and we love doing baked potato bar! Easy and pleases everyone!

    Have a great Monday!


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