Monday, May 24, 2010

$10.50 and a Bird and a Cat

You can find the original $10.50 and a Bird post here if you need to see what all this hullaballoo is about. I linked to the original $10.50 post within that one.

Today the cat spotted the bird first, right by one of the two side windows flanking our front door.

I wish you couldn't see the dirt in the corner that is visible now that I've zoomed in incredibly close just to get a picture of a bird that is being friendly with my cat. I hope he learns to be afraid soon. The bird, not the cat.

I wish you could see the little tufts of white better that are on each side of his head kind of behind his eyes. I think he just came out of the nest and was checking things out before he left.

He was pecking on the door to come in for a visit. The cat was trying to figure out how to paw through or under the door.

He left not long after that. We saw him headed for the back yard. I hope he's okay. Especially since I didn't ruin that nest on the wreath just so he could be born.


  1. I wish I could have blown the pictures up bigger to see the bird's face up close...hehe I think your cat is so cute!

  2. That's a brave (naive) little bird. It makes for some cute pictures!

  3. Baby robin ~ not afraid of anything yet! That is so sweet.

  4. That is pretty carpet, having a black Cat myself, I know how often it needs vacuuming.
    I think the birds must have figured out that there is a wall of glass between them and the cute fellow within. We have them coming that close here too.
    We have several different kinds of fledglings here now. It is interesting to watch them.
    I'm with "D". We can't click on your photos to enlarge them. I've noticed that before.
    Mama Bear


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