Monday, May 24, 2010

Menu Plan Monday — May 24

I'm stuck in a rut, but I don't really know how to get out of it right now. Unfortunately I don't have time to go searching recipes, which is really what I need to do to get out of it. I did make Homemade French Toast Sticks last week, although I used all my original recipes to start with, so I don't know if that really counts.

— Leftovers from the grill. Hubby cooked hamburgers and hot dogs yesterday for us (yum!), and we have some left. I had a Special Sandwich with mine.

Tuesday5-Minute Southwest Layered Salad. We are having small group at our house, so it needs to be something quick and easy, and not a lot of pans to clean up or something that's going to heat up the house (it actually is warm here!).

WednesdaySandwiches. The girls won't be here for dinner, and Buddy has a ball game.

ThursdayCalzones, because I've had them on the plan for I think three weeks and haven't made them yet, plus they should be quick and easy. Sparky has her first softball practice in a long time. She plays for a travel team (which thank goodness stays local because there is plenty available since we live in such a large area) and all the other girls have been playing high school ball. It's time for them to start practicing for their tournaments and weekly play.

FridayMarinated chicken on the grill.

Saturday — More grilling would be nice (hint, hint). Maybe I'll do the Basil Grilled Chicken.

Sunday — Dinner at church for Memorial Day.

Go check out what are probably some much more interesting menu plans with some much more interesting and brand new recipes at The Organizing Junkie.


  1. We're hoping to grill out a lot this week too!

  2. We'll be BBQ a lot this week too! Love that summer weather :)

  3. This is a great time of year for soup & sandwiches.
    I think hubby is grilling steaks for Memorial Day.

  4. I know what you mean. I only have to plan for 3 days and still I have problem. I usually wait until the day I buy groceries to plan and most of the time, I have a couple of meal ingredients on hand if I change my mind.
    Mama Bear


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