Monday, June 21, 2010

Menu Plan Monday — June 21

Thank goodness this week will be less busy than last week. I don't feel like I ever fed my kids, but they didn't go hungry. Still not a good feeling.

MondayGrilled hamburgers and hot dogs. We never got to grill out over the weekend since we were at the softball tournament the entire time. Buddy does have a ball game tonight, but Hubby can make them early enough and then we'll still have leftovers for a couple of days.

Oh, and our microwave went out as soon as our baked potatoes were done last week. I think it overheated but it never cooled off and decided to work again. We have to get a new one or we can't eat leftovers (good thing I added 'participate with a friend in a yard sale' to all the other things I was doing last week and have enough to go buy one).

TuesdayIt's my 25th anniversary!

I'm eating leftover hamburgers and hotdogs. Sparky has her double-header for the league her team plays in, so we'll be spending our anniversary watching softball. We spent our anniversary two years ago at a softball tournament.

Wednesday — We should still have enough for leftovers. If Buddy's team wins Monday night, he'll have a game, but we have church for some of the kids or all of us either way.

ThursdayDijon marinated chicken on the grill. I already have it frozen and ready to go. I got the recipe along with others here. I've tried it and Asian and they are both great!

Friday — We'll be picking up Chatty and eating dinner at the horse camp. They serve dinner and then have a "shodeo" for all the family.

Saturday — We may finally get to have our anniversary dinner!

Sunday — Normally we would eat out since we ate in all week. I may try to have some chicken already marinated and ready to go on the grill.

We're going to have a lot of salad and fresh fruits and vegetables with everything. It's been warm and I'm trying to cook with the stove as little as possible.

This post is linked to Menu Plan Monday hosted by The Organizing Junkie.


  1. Hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill are great this time of year! Happy anniversary!

  2. Yum.

    We coudn't go a single meal without the microwave...espcially in what our boys eat!

    Funny how your anniversary is special no matter where you spend it! :) We spent several of our watching Taylor play high school basketball. :)

  3. WOW...25 years...seems almost unfathomable to me! I mean, in a good way! HAHAHA! Congrats.


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