Monday, June 21, 2010

Stitch Marks and Blisters

Tonight Buddy played a ball game with no injuries, bruises, or stitch marks.

Then he got home.

Buddy and Hubby were tossing the ball out in the yard before they came in the house. They were talking and tossing. Buddy pulled his glove down too soon from in front of his face. He just doesn't normally do things like that.

Sparky was totally impressed because he has stitch marks on his nose. That's the sign of a good injury to her. She loves stitch marks.

Buddy's nose appears to not be broken. He's had lots of ice on it to keep the swelling as low as it is. There's been a lot of blood. Hubby had to pour some water and rake the grass so it didn't look like a crime scene.

Really, Sparky had sunscreen on over the weekend. She is our sunburning child. She never goes without, and she uses the serious stuff. We just don't know what happened.

She has the unfortunate first of blisters, for her and all the kids.

I'll just add that if Chatty were here and not at horse camp, she'd be all over the Brady Bunch line, "Oh, my nose!"


  1. oh my! a baseball in the face? eekers~ no thank-you! hehe glad nothing's broken. And the burn? I can relate. I think I get heat stroke more than blisters though.

  2. Your poor kids! The other two better watch out the way things are going.
    That's a nice stitch mark!

  3. I love the Brady Bunch line. Gave me a real laugh to know that even a 16 year old girl (and her Mum I suspect) half way around the side of the world would think the same thing as me (39 year old Australian Mum of three).

    Julie in Australia


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