Tuesday, October 5, 2010

August and September Clutter Update

I'm not sure if Amy's going to have a link up, but since I didn't get my post up for August, I don't want to wait until the end of the month and be three months behind. So I'll just post my update and then be done with it!


37 items of clothing to Salvation Army (I'm not going to break them down, but I do have them separated on a list for itemized deductions)


53 items of clothing
1 coat
6 hats
1 pitcher
2 decorative boxes
Ice cream maker
Hand mixer
2 hanging shoe racks (because I reorganized my laundry room closet again, which caused me to organize about three other spaces)
3 toys
Bundle of posters
8 books
2 suitcases (returned to their rightful owner...finally)
1 bag of shredding

Total for both months: 119
Total for year (when I started over the second time): 389

I'm going to have to pick up the pace these last three months of the year to reach another 730 in 365. I have a bag of 32 books ready to leave the house, so I have a head start on October!

The 730 in 365 Declutter Challenge is hosted by Amy at The Finer Things in Life.

1 comment:

  1. I'm weeding through some clothes, books and need to tackle the linen closet still.
    Mama Bear


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