Thursday, February 24, 2011

$1 Jeans

This morning when Hubby left for work he asked me if I had a dollar bill because he was wearing jeans. I was still pretty much asleep so the oddity of the question didn't register.

I told him there was one on the kitchen table he could pick up on his way out.

Hubby leaves very early, and I don't always really wake up when he tells me bye. This morning about five minutes after he left, it registered what he'd said, but I knew it had snowed some overnight so I didn't want to call him while he was driving.

A couple hours later when I got up and called him, I asked him if he had to pay a dollar to wear jeans when it wasn't casual Friday.

It turns out that they have a fundraiser once a month and they can wear jeans on a day other than Friday and pay the dollar for the fundraiser.

Then it all made perfect sense.


  1. Hhahaahh!! nice story !! happy weekend

  2. That's amazing...times are a changing...I remember when Honey Bear wore dress shirts and ties with khakis to he mostly wears jeans unless he is at the main office for meetings.
    I don't usually get up when he leaves either...he is so fast in the mornings that I would just be in the way..he is a morning person and is usually out the door in 15 minutes, eating his breakfast on the road.
    Mama Bear


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