Saturday, February 19, 2011

Game Cabinet Reorganization

Our game cabinet was originally a storage for my scrapbook albums and supplies when we lived in Illinois and then again when we moved to Virginia. Now I am fortunate to have an area where I get to spread out and I have room for all my scrapbooks and the mass of products that follow them.

So I used the storage armoire for our games. We have a lot! We like to play games!

So this is what the game cabinet looked like until about six months ago (which means for about two years).

About six months ago I was searching for a spot for Hubby to put his things. Books and papers and notebooks and stuff when he brought them in the house. I gave him a basket-type box, but it was out in the open and usually overflowing so it just wasn't working.

The kids and I went through the game cabinet, purged what we thought we could, and gave Hubby the middle shelf. (This is where I wish I had a before picture from this morning.)

Our games were just not fitting very well though. They were hard to get out, if we had a new one it wouldn't fit, etc. Then I remembered an idea I saw in a magazine several years ago.

They used expandable scrapbook organizers to score game pieces. In the idea they actually hung the game boards on the wall behind a sofa. I didn't go that far.

The expandable organizers I purchased are called memory keepers. They are polypropolene and will hold a 12x12 sheet of scrapbook paper, if you so desire. They have an accordion fold on the bottom for expansion, and there are two snaps on the top flap depending on how full you fill the organizer. They come in packs of 10 or 12 at Michael's (and probably your other craft and scrapbook stores) and the weekly coupon would knock the price down. They were already on sale this week.

I was able to get rid of all these boxes. Many were bent and falling apart, or much too large for the game they were holding.

This is what they look like now:

Here's a dinosaur game we've had forever, and the board folds up into a square shape so it was able to go in the pocket as well.


Dora Candy Land (all the boards that don't fit in the pockets are folded up on a shelf...I'm going to use my labelmaker and put a label on the outside of each one so you can tell which board is which without opening them all up):



Even Connect Four and Trouble:

Here is what the game cabinet looks like now:

The pockets on the bottom shelf hold card games — Dutch Blitz, one holds several decks of Old Maid (each held together by a ponytail holder or silly band since we don't seem to own regular rubber bands) — you get the idea.

In reality, my labelmaker will probably get a workout because I think I might put a little label on the top corner of each pocket with the name of the game. And if I do one, I'll do them all, even if you can see what game is in the pocket. Because I'm weird that way.

I'm linking up with Thrifty Decor Chick's Organize It Linky Party and Works For Me Wednesday at We Are THAT Family.


  1. You are brilliant! I use those things for scrapbooking but never thought of expanding their uses. That's a real space saver.

  2. Love, love, love that idea! I see my kids' puzzles in those organizers! I'm a new follower, drop by my blog when you get a chance! :)

    Suzanne's NEW blog ~ as for me and my house…

  3. Hi Kayren Sweetie...
    What a beautiful share. I love what you did with your games. Takes up so much less space, and you can just pull out a folder, play the game and slide it back in. I may use that idea for the game closet for the grands. When they come over they can just take a peek and see which one they want. Then boxes aren't all over the floor. I love it.

    Beautiful idea and I thank you sweetie for sharing. Hope you have a wonderful week. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  4. Great tip! We are board game junkies and as our kids get older we are collecting more and more games. This is a fantastic idea to manage them all in limited space. I'm sharing post this with my readers Saturday in my weekly round up!

  5. What a wonderful idea. We're getting ready to redo our game cupboard and this should come in handy. Thanks for sharing!

  6. that is a great idea! i love that it is all together and the pieces cannot fall out of the box.

  7. Very nice! Don't you just love it when a project comes together like that?

  8. My Mom did that and then she put a stick out tab for the game boards so you could see without puling them out at all what game it was.

  9. I really want to do this with my games but I cannot find these anywhere. Can you tell me their exact name so I can search on Amazon or at other Michael's stores? Thank you.

  10. Found some memory keepers here--hard to find for some reason:


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