Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cake Balls

Am I the only person who hasn't made these before?

Mine were lumpy. I didn't worry about making them all smooth, and I'm even a perfectionist. I guess I'm now a recovering perfectionist.

See, lumpy.

I had a leftover Valentine's Day funfetti cake mix without matching frosting. I baked it, sans sprinkles, in a 9x13 pan. When the cake was done I dumped it into a bowl and crumbled it up with two forks. Then I took a can of cream cheese frosting and mixed it in good. I used my Pampered Chef scoop to get the cake out and made them into lumpy balls. I put them on a waxed paper covered cookie sheet. I placed it in the freezer for an hour or so to let them cool and get a little hard. (I had 33-34 cake balls.)

I melted three cups of white chocolate chips with three tablespoons of shortening in the microwave. I put sticks in the balls and drizzled my melted white chocolate over them one at a time. I placed them back on the waxed paper covered cookie sheet to harden. I like them chilled, so I put them back in the refrigerator.

Hubby said they could cause a weight problem. Caboose thought they were one of the best things he'd ever eaten. They taste an awful lot like the $1.50 birthday cake version at Starbuck's, and yes, I paid $1.50 to try one. I was hoping they were big like the picture, maybe even cupcake sized. I was wrong.


  1. Laura made these at Christmas using red velvet cake. Yummy!

  2. I have red velvet in my pantry waiting to try next!

  3. glorious! I want one so badly! but too lazy to make them right now anyway. :) thanks for sharing!

  4. I haven't made these either, although my sis-in-law makes them like their going out of style so I've tried hers. They're good, but awfully rich.
    Have you tried Oreo balls? Now there's something we loooovvveee:)))

  5. Just saw this in my reader and had to share with you:

  6. Lora,
    I've made something called Oreo truffles or something along that line. I think they are the same thing. Chatty wanted them for her birthday a couple of years ago. She loves chocolate!

    I checked out the link. Wowser! I think that's worth trying sometime, especially for my chocolate lover. After looking at the recipe, maybe I could get away with less frosting, although we're all loving these cake balls. Maybe just when I do the darker ones that need to be firmer to add the filling I'll do half the can.

  7. this seems to really be the big thing lately! i've been seeing these everywhere. i need to try making them someday.

  8. BRILLIANT !!!! can't wait to try these with my neice....thanks for the FUN !!

    click here


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