Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sweet Surprise!

Today I got a sweet surprise in the mail. It was from Ria in Holland.

This little charm was so perfect! Ria wouldn't even know because I haven't posted about it yet, but I have a charm bracelet from my childhood, and I've been adding charms to it here and there. I just asked Hubby a couple of days ago if I could get a new charm to add to my bracelet for each treatment I receive.

Of course he said I could.

One of the charms I've been looking around for is a simple flower or daisy shape. And look what Ria sent! It's already on my bracelet. Thank you, Ria!

I'll take a picture of my bracelet soon and share it too.


  1. What a sweet thing for her to do. I've been thinking of you and will be praying tomorrow.

  2. Perfect charm, perfect timing. :)

  3. so sweet! God knows, doesn't He - even the littlest things our hearts desire!

  4. O wowwwww...i did not know that ...what a lovely thought.....did you have your first treatment yet ??...wishing you streingth darling......love and kisses and blessings i wil pray for you...xxx...

  5. Dontcha love those little "coincidences"...God is so good. I will be praying!!!!


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