Sunday, July 24, 2011

On My Knees But Not In My Nose

So most of my hair started falling out the day before my second chemotherapy treatment. Finally I had hubby shave it down to mere millimeters just to make the showering process less messy. I still actually have some stubble left all over my head — it's just not much. I'm wondering if I'll keep it or if the Taxol I start after this last round of Adriamycin/Cytoxin will make it fall out.

Along those same lines, I've been kind of holding out on shaving my legs and arms. I'm thinking I'll just lose that hair and not worry about it. I've definitely thinned out. I did give in and shave my underarms this last week, but I've never been a hairy leg girl, so I just let that go.

Tonight on the way to church (the first time I've been in two weeks) I had on a denim skirt. When I would sit down my knees would show, so on the way there hubby looked over and saw hairy knees. I hadn't really noticed until then. The good thing is that we usually sit towards the back and it's dark enough that no one would notice when we were in the pew.

I just find some irony that I have hair on my knees and none in my nose that also happens to be longer than what's on my head.


  1. That is just not right!
    I see you have kept your sense of humor. :)
    You've been in my prayers.

  2. Aw, thanks for the laughs tonight. Yes, it's hardly fair to have hairy knees at this point. xxoo

  3. I love that you have a great sense of humor about a very tough situation:) And I think it's great that you've posted your schedule~praying for you!

  4. Thanks i need a laugh today...oh Kayren...i hope you doing well....did you read my blog ??? mom passed away....i am so sad right now.......big hug for you

  5. You're as hilarious as ever! Praying for you!!!

  6. How are you Kayren? Came over to check your schedule. Aug 10 is easy to remember because I work an auction that day. I'll pray for you! :)

  7. Kayren,
    I'm still at my sister Beth's house in Colorado. Want to send my prayers and let you know we are all thinking of you, Robert and the kids.
    Hugs, Cathy


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