Sunday, January 17, 2010

Menu Plan Monday — January 18

I'm enjoying the new recipes I've been trying, and my family is enjoying them too. Last week's hit was probably the nachos. This week Hubby will be gone part of the week, so I'll try to cater to me and the kids a little more than usual.

MondayTwo-Pepper Chicken with Honey Butter. This is left over from last week's menu.

Tuesday — Breakfast for dinner. Pancakes with strawberry topping, waffles (from a box for Caboose), and bacon. We had partial breakfast for dinner last week, so we'll just have a partial do-over.


ThursdayBaked Potatoes with the fixings.

Friday — Leftover buffet.

SaturdayBeef Stew.

Sunday — Eat out since we ate in all week!

Visit The Organizing Junkie for all the best menu plans and recipe ideas!


  1. Beef stew sounds good.. its snowing here..again!

  2. Beef stew and Chili, yummy!!sa

  3. we're having chili tonight! :)

    I love that you call it "leftover buffet"...sounds so much better than just leftovers. :)

  4. Yummy menu plan. I know your family will enjoy it!

    Well, I got to get back to watching "Young & the Restless" online.

  5. I'm planning to make Beef Stew this week, too, probably Friday night.
    Mama Bear


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