Sunday, March 21, 2010

Menu Plan Monday — March 22

I have been doing really well the first part of every week, and not so well the end of every week. We aren't eating out, we're just scrounging around last minute. That makes it hard for me, especially since I've been battling a cold for over a week. I'm going to try and do better this week.

Monday — Clean out the fridge and pantry. There is some leftover rotisserie chicken in the refrigerator, a vegetable tray, and I can make some mac and cheese and/or soup from the pantry. I think we also have some cheddar jack cheese cubes.

TuesdayRoast in the crock pot.

Wednesday — Leftover Roast sliced up for Special Sandwiches. That means we'll be taking deli style hoagie rolls toasted with butter, putting some sliced meat and provolone cheese on them and then broiling them, and then dipping them in the leftover heated juice from cooking the roast. It's yummy.

ThursdayBacon Frittata.

FridayReally Good Noodles and Chicken.

SaturdayChicken Caesar Pitas.

Sunday — Eat out since we ate in all week!

This week I also plan to make Strawberry Topping (I triple the recipe and keep it in the fridge to use as a topping for vanilla yogurt and ice cream), Homemade Granola (I have a Ball jar I need to return to a friend and I want to include something healthy in it, plus we need some too), and Restaurant Style Salsa (because this stuff is gone as soon as I make it, I always make a double batch).

Hope everyone has a great week! Visit Laura for Menu Plan Monday.


  1. good looking menu plan !! i'm going to check out a couple of your recipes ... the roast and the salsa !

  2. We just had a 'clean out the fridge' meal last week. I think everyone ate something different! But it was so nice to use up all those leftovers instead of throwing them out. Easy on the cook, too! :)

    Hope your cold is better!

  3. The roast sandwiches sound really good. I'll do that next time with our leftover roast. We usually have hot roast beef sandwiches with ours.

  4. yum, my mouth watered just reading about those sandwiches.
    Mama Bear


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