Sunday, May 2, 2010

Menu Plan Monday — May 3

I forgot last week to share one of the new recipes that we all enjoyed from the week before. It was the Enchilada Casserole. When I was making it, I thought the meat mixture was very skimpy. It wasn't really enough to spread well across each layer. It actually wasn't enough to technically spread, but when we were eating it you didn't really notice that you were missing anything. It's possible when I make it again I'll increase the meat mixture a little just to see what happens, but it's not necessary. It was definitely something I'd make again.

For this week:

Monday — Awana year-end party.

TuesdayMarinated Chicken on the grill. There are several marinade choices, so I'm not sure which one I'll make and grill for that night and which ones I'll freeze for later. I always trim my chicken like FishMama talks about and cut my larger pieces into smaller ones. It helps stretch the meal and also makes the pieces cook more evenly.

Wednesday5-Minute Southwest Layered Salad.



SaturdayPanini Salad. I'm going to cook some Rotini pasta, rinse it in cold water, and then toss it in. I think it might be yummy that way.

Sunday — It's Mother's Day. I get to eat out at my choice!

Check out Menu-Plan Monday for more great recipes and menu ideas!

Don't forget to enter my giveaway before midnight on Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love having nachos for dinner once in a while! Always feels fun and kind of indulgent to me. :) Enjoy your week!


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