Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you are having a wonderful day celebrating (for those of you in the U.S.).

Here were the Thanksgiving decorations I brought out on November 1st to add to my other fall decor. This first ceramic turkey was one Chatty painted in a homeschool co-op in Illinois when she was in the 6th grade.

This turkey, the Pilgrims, and the Indians, were all new this year. I didn't really have any Thanksgiving themed decorations.

Today we enjoyed turkey and gravy, dressing, rolls, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole,

and green bean casserole.

I put fried onions in the casserole before I cook it (it doesn't call for this) and put them on the top to brown at the end (like it calls for).

We also enjoyed banana pudding for breakfast, and for dessert, coconut meringue pie,

pumpkin pie, and Mother-in-Law Salad.

I worked on making three Christmas wreaths to replace the fall ones

and got out some other Christmas decorations while Hubby was watching football. During halftime of one of the games he put up the big tree. That just means he put all the branches in and I need to spread them and make it look nice now, but it was a big help.

Now we're going to watch a movie or two, probably the new Veggietales Christmas movie and the original Christmas Carol with Alastair Sim. I'm excited — I've never seen it although I know the story.

Blessings to you all!


  1. Yum! The lemon meringue pie looks so good. I love your little pilgrims and indians.
    My green bean casserole does call for some of the onions in it and some on top. It's good that way!

  2. It's been a long time since we've been together for a holiday. Are you thinking about coming this way for Christmas? It would be so fun for our kids to get reacquainted. We're in MH from Dec 25-28.

  3. It would be fun, but we're going to be preparing for Sparky to go to Africa in February. Since it just came up during our church's Missionary Christmas, we have limited time to prepare.


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