Sunday, November 22, 2009

Menu Plan Monday — November 23

I did pretty well sticking to last week's menu while Hubby was out of town. I did bump the Country-Style Pork Loin to Friday when he came home and then we had it for leftovers on Saturday, so I'm carrying the Roast I originally had planned for Saturday over to this week. With Thanksgiving on Thursday and a dinner at church this week, planning is very easy, even if my time in the kitchen won't be.

Roast in the Crock Pot. I brown the roast on the stove-top and then put it in the crock pot, put some salt and pepper on it (I press it in with a spoon), and then pour four cups of beef broth over it. I cook it on low all day. An hour or so before dinner I put a bag of baby carrots and some cut up potatoes in the broth to cook with the meat. When they are tender it is time for dinner!

Tuesday — Dinner at church. We have soup and salad at church for a special Thanksgiving service.

Wednesday — Leftovers from Monday.

Thursday — Thanksgiving! See my menu below, and I'll be posting some recipes I haven't previously posted during the week.

Friday — Leftovers galore.

Saturday — I'm sure there will still be leftovers we'll need to finish up.

Sunday — Eat out since we ate in all week, and I'm sure we'll be tired of turkey!

Thanksgiving Day Menu

Dressing (not in the turkey though, that's food in my food!)
Green Bean Casserole
Sweet Potato Casserole
Mashed Potatoes
Bread or Rolls
Mother-in-Law Salad
Banana Pudding
Pumpkin Pie with homemade whipped cream
Coconut Meringue Pie

Be sure to check out my tip for keeping cut potatoes from getting brown.

This post is linked to Menu Plan Monday hosted by The Organizing Junkie.


  1. what a great looking week! will you be posting your sweet potato casserole recipe?

  2. Yes, I will post it by tomorrow so people can make it if they like it! :)

  3. Oh I will look forward to the recipe. I need to take a side dish to our dinner.

  4. Yummy menu! I so want to head to your house for dinner.
    I'm enjoying blog visiting while I'm watching "Law & Order" on TNT.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Catching up here. I made the Country Style Pork Loin when my son was visiting during the Thanksgiving holiday. It was a big hit.
    We don't put our dressing in the bird either.
    Mama Bear


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