Sunday, February 14, 2010

Menu Plan Monday — February 15

It's going to be a bit of an unusual week for menu planning. Hubby's off on Monday for the holiday, and Sparky leaves on Saturday for Africa. We've also decided that maybe we should make our 'eating out' day Saturday instead of Sunday following church. It seems like we just get home in the afternoon and it's time to leave again, so we're thinking a change might be in order.

Oh, I finally got the Cookie Monster posted. I forgot until I was making it earlier that I was going to tell you all about it. The pictures are from one the girls and I had when the boys and Hubby had a boys' night about a week ago.

MondayCountry-Style Pork Loin.

TuesdayLeftover buffet. We also have small group at our house because it got canceled due to snow last week.

WednesdayBaked Spaghetti. I've had this on the menu the last two weeks and I'm determined to get it made this week.

ThursdayShortcut Chicken Cordon Bleu. The recipe I have calls for 1/4 cup water or dry white wine instead of the 2 T water and 2 T wine the recipe link calls for, but it's the same amount of liquid. This is a new recipe for us.

FridayHawaiian Chicken Breasts, another new recipe. I'll share it later in the week with pictures if it's any good.

Saturday — Eat out since we ate in all week (a new day)!

SundayNachos, or Bacon Frittata, or something simple. I have yet to figure this out. Maybe we'll have breakfast for lunch on Sundays!

Visit The Organizing Junkie for hundreds of other menu plans!


  1. what a great week!

    Have fun with Sparky before she heads out to Africa -- my sister had a wonderful time! I'll be sharing some of her photos this week :)

  2. Oh my gosh--your bacon fritatta looks amazing! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. We are having the same pork recipe this week!

  4. Sounds like a plan.
    I've copied the baked spaghetti recipe.
    Have a great week.
    Mama Bear

  5. I'm always on the lookout for yummy menu choices. We're still having to watch our pennies.


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