What I know right now:
It appears to have been caught early. April 29th I felt the lump and called my doctor who verified it and sent me for a mammogram and ultrasound. These were done on May 2nd and indicated the need for a biopsy (and was also done that day). The biopsy tested positive for in situ and invasive ductal breast cancer.
It appears to have been caught early because of the size of the tumor (11mm x 8mm x 6mm).
I am meeting with a surgeon on Monday morning, possibly as you read this, to find out the extent of surgery necessary. There will be lymph nodes removed to see if it has spread that far. Everyone has talked like I will have surgery this week.
I will be having a CAT scan on Tuesday.
I will be taking Tamoxifen for 5 years because the cancer tested estrogen and progesterone positive.
I am 45 years old.
Other things you might want to know and don't:
My mom had breast cancer at 54 and is a survivor. She is currently 66 years old.
She was also on Tamoxifen for 5 years.
My mom did not find her lump herself but it was found by mammogram. Hers was 2.5 cm at it's largest diameter.

I wish I could hug you in person...I will be praying...)))HUGS(((!!! Thank you for sharing the "raw and real" so that we can support you in prayer!
O no !!! what a terrible news....i will pray for you darling......and give you the biggest hug ever.......love thinking and praying for you !!.....and the candle on my blog burns for you specially for you...xxx...
I hate that you had to write this, and I hated reading it too. Be sure that we will be praying for you!!!
I will be praying for you as you walk this path. May you be a sweet testimony to all the medical staff that you come in contact for. So glad things are moving quickly.
So sorry to hear of the cancer Kayren. I will pray for you.
I am glad you caught it early and I pray all goes well.
It must just be the hardest thing to get that news! But I am keeping the faith and I pray you will be fine. Trust in the Lord and lean on Him.
God Bless,
I will be praying for you. I am so glad that they found it EARLY. That is really good news. Keep us posted as you can. We are all rooting for you.
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens
You KNOW we all love you and will be praying. Nothing is too hard for our God. You can do this!!! I'm especially praying not only for a full recovery, but for a calm and peace to come over you so you know you can rest in Him. :) xo
Sweet, sweet, Kayren. I am so saddened to read this post. Praise God that you found the lump early and that testing was done so quickly. Praying for you.....
praying! my momma has breast cancer too and it is such a scary thing.
i will be praying for you!! (((HUGS))))
Oh Kayren, my heart goes out to you and your family. I am praying for you and all the medical staff that will be involved in your care for wisdom and guidance. I am praying for your kids as they must be struggling as kids do to make any sense of what is happening to the person who is the centre of their world.
Praying for complete healing my friend.
Julie in Australia
We'll certainly keep you in our prayers and hope for the very best outcome for you.
I will be praying for you Kayren! I love reading your blog, I found you when deciding to homeschool but don't think I've ever commented. You have been an inspiration to me as a homeschooling, christian mom! Lots of hugs!
Kayren, I've not commented before but I wanted you to know that you have many people praying for you and your healing, for your family, for your physicians, for your peace. He will keep you in perfect peace as you trust in Him (Is. 26:3). Trust as you walk through this valley that He IS. Praising God with you that it was found early!
w.o.w. came back from vacation to find this post and wept. i am so very sorry to hear this! praying for healing and for comfort for you & your family as you go through this difficult time. we are here for you across the blogosphere whenever you need anything!!!! we are so, so, so sorry. but may God get the glory, no matter what happens. hang in there, keep resting in Him. much love & {{hugs}}
After your comment on my blog the other day, I had to come find out what you were talking about. I've read back to here now so I'm up to date. I'm sorry, so sorry to hear your news but I am so glad you found it in the early stages and that, like your Mom, yours will be a story of survival !
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